The Web Of Lies Crafted By The System

In this web of deceit and delusion,

Lies dance freely with the shadows of manipulation,

Despite this, my position remains unshaken,

Against the deceptive tide, generated by a machine,

Meant to usher in destruction, with the hopes of keeping us drunk,

On lies that promote our ignorance…

It is not everyone who will fall, for the deceptive call,

That enchants one to fall prey, programming them

To dance to the tune, of a false identity.

Not everyone is susceptible to the call of deception,

Which is designed to trap and manipulate us.

Our ears were not made to listen to the lies,

Intended to trap us in this web of deceit…

Some will refuse to bow,

To the whims of those who twist the truth,

You see a figure of authority may wield power,

But that isn’t enough for one to be seduced by their cloak,

Becoming a follower of their false narrative,

Some are immune, to this mess birthed by the system

Because they are seekers of the truth,

Not followers of a lie created to enable our continued suffering…
