Apartheid Did Not End, It Evolved

Now that the cat is out the bag and your faves have been exposed, does it not bother you that your actions cost Natives their right to freedom of expression? For you to come out here and brag about fighting against a system you inherited, by maintaining it instead of doing away with it due to your desire for power and riches, is mad business!

What strand are you on that has you acting like a victim, when your ignorance and arrogance birthed this mess we find ourselves in as a nation?

Just so you know, this is not an attack nor is it an attempt to discredit you, what we are witnessing is the rise of the same system you claimed to have fought off, a bitter pill you are yet to swallow due to your self-imposed sentencing to enslavement. Apartheid did not die it only evolved and you made it possible.

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