Finding My Voice

I went on a search in the stillness of solitude, Looking for the whispers of tales untold,My words yearning to land on a unique set of pages,A beautiful symphony waiting to be unveiled...Through the labyrinth of my mind I wander,The ink from my pen flows like a river unrestrained,As each sentence germinates into a stepping … Continue reading Finding My Voice

The Time Has Come

In a world where truths are twisted,By the tales the creeps crafted,As if we're puppets on strings,Dancing to the lies they bring... I hope we're done with this thing,Because we've strayed from our ways,Breeding nothing but chaos,Where peace once reigned...Let this be our redirection,Navigating our way,Through the chaos and dismay,Under the guidance of those who … Continue reading The Time Has Come

The Web Of Lies Crafted By The System

In this web of deceit and delusion,Lies dance freely with the shadows of manipulation,Despite this, my position remains unshaken,Against the deceptive tide, generated by a machine,Meant to usher in destruction, with the hopes of keeping us drunk,On lies that promote our ignorance...It is not everyone who will fall, for the deceptive call,That enchants one to … Continue reading The Web Of Lies Crafted By The System