Finding My Voice

I went on a search in the stillness of solitude, Looking for the whispers of tales untold,My words yearning to land on a unique set of pages,A beautiful symphony waiting to be unveiled...Through the labyrinth of my mind I wander,The ink from my pen flows like a river unrestrained,As each sentence germinates into a stepping … Continue reading Finding My Voice

This Voice Isn’t For Sale

You thought you would put me in my place But I will not stay in this space How dare you make an attempt to silence my voice? Have you no shame in the dealings you scored at the expense of those whose heads you utilized as puddle blockers? Your mistake was to think you silenced … Continue reading This Voice Isn’t For Sale

One For My Fighters β€οΈ

They have always had my back.My Ancestors have always had my back.My day ones and number one supporters,Removed me from low vibrational spaces and people. They detached me from a conditioning I never saw coming, compassionately guiding me towards the path of self-discovery.Detoxing the perfectly presented poison that had me lowering my worth, for a … Continue reading One For My Fighters β€οΈ